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Tools can extend the capabilities of LLMs (Language Learning Models), such as performing web searches, scientific calculations, or generating images, thereby enhancing the LLM's ability to connect with the external world. Dify provides two types of tools: First-party Tools and Custom Tools.
You can directly use the first-party built-in tools provided by the Vord ecosystem, or easily import custom API tools (currently supporting OpenAPI / Swagger and OpenAI Plugin specifications).
Functions of Tools:
Tools allow users to create more powerful AI applications on Vord. For example, you can arrange suitable tools for an intelligent assistant application (Agent) that can complete complex tasks through task reasoning, step-by-step breakdown, and tool invocation.
They facilitate connecting your application with other systems or services and interacting with the external environment, such as code execution or access to proprietary information sources.
If you need to use the first-party built-in tools provided by the Vord ecosystem, you need to configure the corresponding credentials before using them.
Once the credentials are successfully verified, the tool will display an "Authorized" status. After configuring the credentials, all members in the workspace can use this tool when arranging applications.
Currently, you can use the configured tools when creating intelligent assistant applications in the "Studio."
For example, after adding tools to a financial analysis application, the intelligent assistant will autonomously invoke tools when needed to query financial report data, analyze the data, and complete the conversation with the user.